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13 Ways to reduce stress in 2023

Repeat after me: 2023 is the year I will focus on the things I can control and let go of worry about the rest.

Stress is not uncommon in this fast-paced world that we live in. However, most of us don’t realise how often stress can take a toll on our mental and physical wellbeing. Stress can often lead to problems including fatigue, headaches, depression and anxiety, and if not addressed, can ultimately worsen our quality of life. Although it’s often hard to get out of a slump brought on by burnout, there are many small undertakings we can do to prioritise balance and counteract the stressful periods that may be brought on by work, school, social and family situations.

 Below, we will dive deep into the impacts of stress, while recommending a few easy-to-follow methods to leading a well balanced, low stress life.

What is stress?

Stress is a reaction in your body that may be caused by a challenge, responsibility or expectation in your life. Stress can even come about by something that is only perceived, and therefore can take a huge mental toll on your body. Stress isn’t all negative. The unwanted feeling of stress often gives us the motivation to take action in our life, but without proper recovery, stress can lead to prolonged burnout which takes a huge toll on your daily life and wellbeing. It is important to remember that stress is a normal response to a challenging or demanding situation, however, it is still important to find ways to manage stress and to seek professional help if it is causing significant problems in your life.

How can this impact your body?

When you are stressed, the body releases hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which prepares the body to respond to the perceived threat or challenge. This can impact your body in so many ways, both physical and mental. It can even impact your immune system, gastrointestinal system, reproductive system, and your muscles and joints. It can also affect your mental health and can lead to anxiety, depression and PTSD. If you have a pre-existing condition, stress can actually make this worse. Make sure you are seeking professional help if stress causes significant problems in your life.

 Stress can often have an impact on multiple aspects of your life, and will take a toll on you if you don’t find ways to work around it. The effects of stress on the body can vary from person to person as we all experience stress differently. It is important to find ways of reducing stress that work for you.

 Here is a list of 13 ways that you can reduce stress and improve your overall well-being:

Ways to reduce stress

1. Find balance

Pinpoint the areas in your life that are causing you stress and find ways to balance this out. If you find that sitting down all day is causing you stress, then find time to get up and start moving. If you feel overwhelmed at work, find time after work to delve into your personal hobbies and interests with things that bring you joy. Finding balance is all about counteracting your stressful moments with moments of calm and care.

2. Invest in your physical health

We have all heard this before, physical activity is a great way to reduce stress and improve your overall physical and mental wellbeing. This practice can help to release endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that promote the feeling of happiness. Investing in your physical health could mean as little as taking a 20 minute walk everyday to clear your mind. Dance with your kids, go for an evening walk with your partner or even do 5 minutes of yoga every morning before coffee. Think of this process as a way to release tension and to clear your mind so that you can reset and focus on the things that truly matter. It can even help with sleep quality, which brings us to our next point!

3. Prioritise your sleep

We cannot stress this point enough. A lack of quality sleep can create so much stress within your body. You may find that your mood, energy and function is affected. We understand that this may be difficult if you have young kids, or a busy work schedule. Find ways to prioritise sleep by finding a routine, cutting out caffeine consumption and reducing your alcohol intake before bed. It’s always important to end your day by winding down. We recommend reading a book or doing some light stretches to help you calm down for the night.

4. Minimise screen time

This point is a complicated one, as many of us are now working online and spend over 8 hours a day on computer screens and other technologies in order to do our jobs. When we talk about minimising our screen time, we really want you to recognise what you are exposed to and if these exposures are causing you stress. For example, if you follow people on social media that make you feel insecure or are causing you pain - then best to unfollow and unplug in order to not see that kind of content. These exposures can often lead to feelings of isolation, anxiety, depression and insomnia, even if the influence is a subconscious one. It is important for you to set boundaries on screen time as this can definitely put stress on the body.

Excessive uses of technology can also cause you physical stress by having a negative impact on sleep, especially if you are on your phone late into the night. We recommend minimising your technology use 30 minutes before bedtime to allow your brain time to wind down properly.

5. Write it out

Sometimes you just need to lay it out all on the table. This method of stress management is great for those who need to release pent-up stress and unwanted feelings. This also allows you to truly process your emotions and even discover solutions to problems just by reflecting on them. Whether you have a mindfulness journal or are just typing out your feelings in your notes app - this method of stress relief is without pressure and no one will have to see it.

6. Make time for self care

What is your personal form of self care? For some, it may be a 12 step skin care routine in the evenings. For others, it may be the act of choosing what to wear the night before, or even just taking time for yourself to watch your favourite show. Self-care is essentially a way to meet your own personal needs. It’s more about giving time to yourself and yourself only. This way of reducing stress will help you recover from burnout and give you a form of work-life balance you may desperately need.

7. Set boundaries

Whether this be at work, or with friends - setting boundaries is an incredibly important tool to reducing stress. This year is the perfect time to figure out what your limits are, and ways to go around them without. This may be through choosing to work from home on occasion, or by setting boundaries with someone that causes stress in your life. Setting boundaries could also be in the form of making yourself accountable and by taking breaks when needed. This will also help you avoid burnout. Other ways you may need to set boundaries could be through a social media timeout. Luckily in this day and age our phones have the ability to give yourself a time limit on social media apps.

8. Set goals

These goals do not need to be big. Setting realistic expectations and smaller steps rather than huge goals will reduce feelings of disappointment and frustration. Reflect upon your 2023 New Years resolutions (if you have any) and work on the smaller steps first to achieve your goals.

9. Take a break

It’s okay to take a break. I repeat, it is OK to take a break! Burnout happens when the stress becomes overwhelming and you haven’t learnt to set yourself any boundaries. Learn to say no to tasks or activities that you know will cause burnout. It is important to set boundaries and take breaks if needed.

10. Mental Health - It's okay to seek help

If stress has become too overwhelming and it is causing significant problems in your personal, social or work life, then it may be helpful to seek out professional help. A person with professional qualifications may help you identify the sources of stress in your life faster and help develop a plan to reduce it.

11. Spend time in nature

It’s time to recognise that we are human beings, and we need nature in order to feel more grounded. Exposure to the sun (especially in the morning) can help you feel more alert. Being in nature can also be a good distraction from the busy urban life that you may live. This may not work for everyone, but it may be good to try and test it to see if it works for you.

12. Connect with others

Whether this be through having a wine night with friends or calling your mum, it is important to find time to distract yourself from the worries of life. Sometimes even just a laugh is enough to reduce tension and lift some weight off your shoulders. This will also help you to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.

13. Practice mindfulness and focus on the present

The act of mindfulness is essentially learning to be present and engaged in the current moments. It’s time to stop overthinking about both the past and present. Focusing on the present can be as simple as mindful breathing. Ways to be mindful can also include meditation, yoga and even journaling (tip 5). Practicing mindfulness can help reduce stress because you are no longer thinking so much about what has happened and what will happen, but instead you are appreciating the moment that is now.

Stress is a natural part of life and we are all going to experience moments of stress throughout our day. It is important to self reflect and recognise your own triggers in order to avoid unnecessary stressful experiences. Incorporating some of the tips above into your daily routine such as mindfulness, sleep, taking and break and setting boundaries will help reduce your stress and improve your overall well-being.

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